Compare different travel insurance plans
On the Seguros Promo website you can quickly and easily make a detailed comparison of the prices of different types of insurance offered, analyzing which has the best cost-benefit ratio for your trip.
Also, research the costs of some medical procedures in the destination country, such as the cost of a doctor's appointment, hospital stay, and surgical intervention.
See the details of travel insurance coverage for each plan
Research the costs of some medical procedures in the destination country, such as the cost of a doctor's appointment, hospital stay, and surgical intervention. This way, you will have an idea of how much you may have to spend in case of an eventuality.
Carefully analyze all the coverage offered by the chosen insurance. If you plan to take a trip to play sports and enjoy new experiences such as safaris, surfing or running marathons around the world, keep an eye on the coverage that travel insurance offers for events of this type.
See if the insurance is adapted to your trip profile
When choosing the travel insurance plan, keep in mind the route you intend to take and the activities you intend to do in your destination. Travel with the children, sports, exchange, business trip, family vacation. Every trip requires a type of insurance.
Use a discount coupon
You can make your travel insurance cheaper by using a discount coupon. With the coupon DICASDELISBOA5, you guarantee a 5% discount when taking out your travel insurance.
Choose to pay via bank slip
Choosing to pay via bank slip is another tip to make your travel insurance cheaper. At Seguros Promo, you get another 5% discount when choosing this payment method.
Do you travel often? Multi Trip annual travel insurance may be the best option
You don't need to take out insurance for every international trip you take. With an Annual Multi Trip Travel Insurance plan, you can save up to 60%.
The Annual Travel Insurance meets the bureaucratic requirements of all countries, being valid anywhere in the world. Thus, you guarantee coverage for trips of up to 30 days in duration, depending on the contracted plan, throughout the year.