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Writer's picturePatrícia Rosas

NEW | Online request for Social Security Identification Number

The information contained in this practical guide does not dispense with the consultation of the law.

On January 4, 2023, social security made available on its website a new online service to request a Social Security Identification Number (NISS) for foreign citizens or Portuguese citizens without the obligation to have a citizen card.

You can place the order in the Online Form at Social Security Portal, in 'I am a citizen' > 'Social Security Identification Number (NISS) Assignment'> ‘Social Security Identification Number application form’.

Those citizens who need NISS must fill out the Form and attach a scanned copy of a valid identification document. But beware, whenever the request for the assignment of NISS is registered by a representative, it is also necessary to attach formal proof of this representation (prose, Declaration of Authorization to Third Parties), as well as the valid identification document of the representative.

The citizen will receive an email confirming the creation of the NISS and indications for a face-to-face survey of the NISS by himself, in the Service Services.

Learn more below through the

Practical Guide for NISS ON TIME





It is the attribution of NISS to foreign citizens through their identification in the Social Security Identification System.


To foreign citizens who require it.

C – Who can apply for NISS ON TIME?

The assignment of NISS ON TIME can be requested by:

  • National citizen without citizen card

  • Foreign Citizens;

  • Legal Representatives;

  • Employer Entities (when an employment relationship is at stake).

D – Where is the NISS order placed ON TIME?

The request for NISS assignment is made through an online Form available on the Social Security Information Portal at "I am a Citizen" > "Amation of Social Security Identification Number (NISS)" >Social Security Identification Number application form’.

Note: When the request is made by the Employer, it is intended exclusively for the assignment of the NISS, and the employer has to communicate the worker's bond in Direct Social Security (SSD).

E – Documents to be submitted for the NISS application ON TIME?

National and Foreign Citizens

Documents required to be presented by himself to NISS at the Time

  • Copy of the valid identification document.

All the data necessary for the identification of a foreign citizen before the Social Security System must be provided, specifically those contained in the Form:

A) Name; B) Date of Birth; C) Sex; D) Marital Status; E) Country of Naturalness; F) Place of Birth; G) Nationality; H) Type and Number of Civil Identification Document; I) Expiration date; J) Tax identification document number (if already assigned); K) Country of Residence; L) Address M) Address (Only display the field if you choose country of address ≠ PT); N) Mobile phone O) E-mail P) Attach a copy of the identification document; Q) Attach a copy of a representation document (when there is representation of a third party)

In order for the application to be accepted, a copy of the civil identification document of the requesting foreign citizen must be attached to the form, within the period of validity at the time:

Being a foreign citizen of a third country, that is, countries that are not part of either the European Union or the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) - Any country with which we do not have any agreement or convention, that is, not relevant for the purposes of international coordination of social security systems:

  • Passport, Work Visa, Residence Permit, Residence Permit (Temporary / Permanent) - simple copy whether it is yourself or the Legal Representative to submit the application by the citizen.

Note: Pursuant to Article 84 of Law No. 23/2007: The residence permit replaces, for all legal purposes, the identification document, without prejudice to the regime provided for in the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Consultation between the Portuguese Republic and the Federative Republic of Brazil, signed in Porto Seguro on April 22, 2000.

In the case of a foreign national citizen of the EU Member State, the European Economic State or Switzerland:

  • Civil identification document of the country of origin - simple copy whether himself or the Legal Representative delivers the application by the citizen;

  • Work visa.

In the case of citizens covered by International Protection (outside the scope of Temporary Protection - Ukraine) and in the case of citizens do not have another identification document, the following should be considered for identification purposes:

  • Receipt Proof of Application for Provisional Residence Permit (ARP); Provisional Residence Permit (ARP); Receipt proving ARP Renewal; Receipt proving Granting Refugee Residence Permit / Subsidiary Protection; Refugee Residence Permit - Subsidiary Protection; Receipt proving renewal of residence permit - refugee; Receipt proving renewal of residence permit - subsidiary protection; Declaration of international protection

Documents required to be submitted by Legal Representatives and Employers for the submission of the NISS application by foreign citizens:

  • Power of Attorney (original document) or the Declaration of Authorisation to Third Parties, PA 12 to authorise the representative to apply for the document with the NISS and the representative's identification document (Passport, residence permit or other civil identification document of the country of origin).

PA-12-V01-2022 – Declaration of Authorisation to Third Parties or in place thereof, delivery of power of attorney (in this case the Employer acts as the legal representative of the future worker).

This Form/Model is available at www.seg-social.pt, In the "Quick Accesses" menu, select "Forms" and in the "Search by keyword" field enter the form number or template name.

Documents to be submitted for NISS survey ON TIME?

After the validation of the documents on the form, the citizen will receive an e-mail confirming the creation of the NISS, with the indications for his survey in the service services. The survey must be carried out by himself (Citizen to whom the NISS was assigned), and it is necessary to present a valid identification document.

F - Other situations after the attribution of NISS

If the foreign citizen, already holder of NISS, wants to be registered/framed as an Independent Worker, he can consult the Practical Guide - New Self-employed Regime;

If the foreign citizen, already a holder of NISS, wants to be registered/framed as a Self-employed, you can consult the Practical Guide Registration, Linking and Termination of Worker/Intern Activity on Account of Others;

If the citizen, already a holder of NISS, wants to apply for a social benefit such as Family Allowance for children and young people, he can consult the Practical Guide - Family allowance for children and young people.

Note: The Guides are available at www.seg-social.pt, in the "Quick Accesses" menu, select "Practical Guide" and in the "Search by keyword" field enter the number or name of the Practical Guide.

For any situation within the scope of Social Protection of Citizenship, the Form Mod. RV 1017/2019 - DGSS - Identification of Individuals Covered by the Social Protection System of Citizenship.

Note: This Form/Model is available for printing at www.seg-social.pt, in the "Quick Accesses" menu, select "Forms" and in the "Search by keyword" field enter the form number or model name.

G – Applicable legislation

Order No. 4-I/SESS/2022

Establishes the debureaucratisation and streamlining of procedures with regard to the relationship between social security and citizens, determining that the identification of a foreign citizen in the social security system is independent of the existence of a link to the social security system.

Law No. 110/2009 of September 16, In its updated versions Code of Contributory Schemes of the Social Security System.

The sixth amendment is made to Regulatory Decree No. 1 -A/2011, of January 3, amended by Law No. 64 -B/2011, of December 30, by Regulatory Decrees No. 50/2012, of September 25, 6/2013, of October 15, and 2/2017, of March 22, and by Decree -Law No. 93/2017, of August 1, which regulates the Code of Contributo

Defines the general bases on which the Social Security system is based.


TITLE DATA SHEET Practical Guide - Assignment of NISS ON TIME to Foreign Citizens (1010 - v.10) PROPERTY Institute of Social Security, I.P. AUTHOR Department of Benefits and Contributions PAGINATION Department of Communication and Customer Management CONTACTSS Social Security Line: 210 545 400/ 300 502 502, working days from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Website: www.seg-social.pt, see Direct Social Security. DATE OF PUBLICATION January 4, 2023


Download below the Practical Guide to the Assignment of NISS ON TIME to Foreign Citizens, also available on the website www.seg-social.pt.TITLE DATA SHEET

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