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Writer's picturePatrícia Rosas

Europe Day

Today is celebrated Europe Day, also known as European Union Day, in which we celebrate the Schuman Declaration. This declaration gave rise to the European Union.

This declaration was a proposal for the creation of a supranational European entity advanced on May 9, 1950 by the Luxembourg statesman Robert Schuman. Currently the European Union is composed of 28 Member States.

To celebrate the Europe Day Several events are held, such as the delivery of prizes for competitions, lectures, concerts and the launch of books, organised by the Representation of the European Commission and the Office of the European Parliament in Portugal, in partnership with other entities.

The European institutions open their doors to the public on different days of May, in Strasbourg, Luxembourg and Brussels. EU representations and delegations in Europe and the rest of the world organise events for all people interested in participating.

#Curiosity1 | The EU has 24 official languages: German, Bulgarian, Czech, Croatian, Danish, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, English, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Swedish.

#Curiosity2 | The European flag is the symbol of the European Union and of the unity and identity of Europe in a broader sense. It consists of twelve golden stars arranged in a circle on a blue background, which symbolise the ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony among the peoples of Europe. The number of stars is not related to the number of EU countries. The circle is a unit symbol.

Fonte: european-union.europa.eu



Article below published on the website portugal.representation.ec.europa.eu

The European Union

The European Union is a group of European countries. These countries have come together to improve, facilitate and make our lives safer. And to collaborate with each other and help each other.

How did the European Union begin?

The idea of creating the European Union arose after the two great wars in Europe. European countries have realised that it is better to work together than to fight each other.

In the beginning, there were only 6 countries:

  • Germany

  • Belgium

  • France

  • Italy

  • Luxembourg

  • The Netherlands

Shortly after, other countries in Europe decided to join them and that's how the European Union was born.

Today, the European Union has countries. These countries are:

  • Germany

  • Austria

  • Belgium

  • Bulgaria

  • Czechia

  • Cyprus

  • Croatia

  • Denmark

  • Slovakia

  • Slovenia, Slovenia

  • Spain

  • Estonia

  • Finland

  • France

  • Greece

  • Hungary

  • Ireland

  • Italy

  • Latvian

  • Lithuania

  • Luxembourg

  • Gang

  • The Netherlands

  • Poland

  • Portugal

  • Rumania

  • Sweden

Source: european-union.europa.eu

In June 2016, the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union. Thus, as of 31 December 2020, the United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union.

Objectives and values of the European Union

The countries of the European Union work together to ensure that:

  • Is there peace in Europe?

  • People have a good life

  • All people have the same rights and no one is excluded

  • All languages and cultures are respected

  • The European economy is a strong economy and countries use the same currency to do business with each other

The countries of the European Union share some important values. For example, they work to ensure that all people are treated the same way and that their rights are respected.

Peace in Europe

After the creation of the European Union, there were no more wars between the countries that are part of the European Union. Thanks to the European Union, all European countries live with each other in peace.

In 2012, the European Union won a very important award, called Nobel Peace Prize. This award was awarded to the European Union for ensuring peace in Europe.

Freedom of movement

The European Union has made it easier for people to move freely from one country to another. People can live, study and work in the country of the European Union they want. For example, a Frenchman may choose to go live in Italy and work in that country. A Belgian can study at a university in Greece.

Goods, services and money can also move freely from one European Union country to another.

The European Union in the world

The European Union has an important role in the world. For example:

  • He sells many things and services to other countries. He also buys things from other countries. In this way, it contributes to the world economy.

  • It helps millions of people living in poor countries outside the European Union.

  • It tries to make the world a safer place where people are treated equally and laws are respected.

Join the European Union

To be part of the European Union, a country must:

  • Agree to all laws and values of the European Union

  • Ensure that these laws and values are respected

This can take a long time.

Some countries are now striving to be part of the European Union. These countries are:

  • Albania

  • North Macedonian

  • Montenegro

  • Serbia

  • Turkey

To be part of the European Union, these countries must work to adopt the laws and values of the European Union.

The Schengen Area

The European Union created the Schengen Area. The Schengen Area is an area without borders where people can easily and freely travel from one country to another. When they cross the border to another country, people are not controlled.

Thanks to the Schengen area, it is now easier for people to travel to work or do tourism. The Schengen Area was created in 1985. Currently, 22 of the countries of the European Union are part of the Schengen Area.

These countries are:

  • Germany

  • Austria

  • Belgium

  • Dinamarca

  • Chequia

  • Slovakia

  • Spain

  • Slovenia, Slovenia

  • Estonia

  • Finland

  • France

  • Greece

  • Hungría

  • Italy

  • Latvian

  • Lithuania

  • Luxembourg

  • Malt

  • The Netherlands

  • Poland

  • Portugal

  • Sweden.

There are also 4 countries that do not belong to the European Union that are part of the Schengen Area:

  • Iceland

  • Listenstaine

  • Norway

  • Switzerland

This means that people can easily and freely travel from one of these countries to another. Thus, it is easier to visit any of these countries to work or do tourism.

The languages of the European Union

In each country of the European Union, people speak their own language. The European Union protects the right of people to communicate in their own language.

That is why the European Union translates all important information and documents into the languages spoken in its countries:

  • German

  • Bulgarian

  • Czech Republic

  • Croatian

  • Dane

  • Slovak

  • Slovene

  • Spaniard

  • Estonian

  • Finn

  • Frenchman

  • Greek

  • Hungarian

  • Englishman

  • Irishman

  • Italian

  • Latvian

  • Lithuanian

  • Maltese

  • Dutchman

  • Pole

  • Portuguese

  • Romanian

  • Swede

In this way, everyone in the European Union can read the important information in their own language and realise it.

The currency of the European Union

Most European Union countries utilise the same currency.

This coin is called euro. Using the same currency helps European Union countries do business with each other. For example, Spaniards can buy Belgian products easily and at no extra cost. If countries have the same currency it is easier to travel, buy things from other countries on the Internet and have more options.

Currently, 19 of the 27 countries of the European Union use the euro.

  • Germany

  • Austria

  • Belgium

  • Cyprus

  • Slovakia

  • Slovenia, Slovenia

  • Spain

  • Estonia

  • Finland

  • France

  • Greece

  • Ireland

  • Italy

  • Latvian

  • Lithuania

  • Luxembourg

  • Gang

  • The Netherlands

  • Portugal

European Flag

The European flag

This is the flag of the European Union: The flag of the European Union is blue with golden stars forming a circle. It is a symbol that shows that the countries of the European Union are united and support each other.

The European anthem

Each country has a song that illustrates the values and culture of that country. This song is called "hymn".

The European Union also has its own anthem. In 1985, people who make decisions in the European Union chose a song by a very important composer To be the anthem of the European Union.

This composer is called Ludwig van Beethoven.

Music shows that it is very important for people to be free, live in peace and support each other. The European Union believes in these values and that's why it chose this song to be its anthem. If you want to hear the anthem of the European Union, click here.

United in diversity

The European Union uses the phrase "United in diversity" to demonstrate what its values are. Being united in diversity means that:

  • People in the European Union may have different cultures or languages but they support each other and work with each other in peace.

  • It's okay to have different languages or cultures. On the contrary. People with different cultures can learn more from each other and work well together.

How does the European Union work?

The European Union has 3 main organisations:

  • The European Commission | People working at the European Commission suggest the laws of the European Union.

  • The European Parliament | People working in the European Parliament are elected by all people in Europe to defend their rights.

  • The Council of the European Union | People who make decisions In each country of the European Union they join and create the Council of the European Union.

These 3 organisations are very important to the European Union and collaborate with each other to improve things in Europe:

  • The European Commission suggests laws.

  • The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union talk about the laws and decide whether to be approved in Europe.

  • If they decide that a law should be approved in Europe, all countries of the European Union must work to apply that law in their own country.

There are other important organisations for the European Union:

  • The Court of Justice of the European Union guarantees that all laws are correctly applied in the European Union.

  • The Court of Auditors verifies that the European Union's money is well spent.

There are also other European Union organisations that do important work. For example, there are organisations that:

  • Verify that the European Union works properly and respects the rights of all people.

  • Publish useful information about the European Union

  • Choose competent people to work for the European Union

  • Defend the rights of all people in Europe, such as people with disabilities, workers and other people.

All these organisations work together to ensure that the European Union works in the right way for the good of people.

More information

Click here For more information about the European Union in your language. If you have questions about the European Union, use this Online form.

To access the original article, access the following link: european-union.europa.eu

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