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Itamaraty is the epicenter of Brazilian diplomacy, strengthening ties between nations and representing the country's interests globally. Its history of diplomatic success is marked by contributions to world peace and development. In addition to being a guardian of national values, Itamaraty promotes dialogue and the peaceful resolution of conflicts, essential for building a more just world. Not just a diplomatic body, Itamaraty is a bridge to resolve a variety of issues, from assisting Brazilian citizens abroad to facilitating international agreements.

In particular, it plays a crucial role in the legalization of documents such as birth certificates and criminal records, essential for interaction between Brazil and Portugal. Before being recognized by the Portuguese consulate , such documents must undergo validation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Although some offices offer this service in person or by mail, it is essential to note that, when opting for postal delivery, the transportation costs must be borne by the applicant. This validation is a tangible example of Itamaraty's commitment to ensuring the fluidity and legitimacy of relations between the two countries.

Federal District


Address for Consular Legalization of Documents


Ministry of Foreign Affairs Division of Brazilian Communities Abroad Legalization Sector Esplanade of Ministries - Block H Annex I - Ground Floor Brasília/DF - Brazil CEP: 70170-900

Don't forget to send the information below in the same envelope:

  1. the type: Legalization;

  2. the amount;

  3. the country where the documents are intended to be legalized: Portugal;

  4. full name and address indicating the recipient's zip code;

  5. telephone number or email address for possible contact.

Rio de Janeiro


MRE Representative Office in Rio de Janeiro (ERERIO)

Av. Marechal Floriano, 196 Centro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ 20080-002

Close to Central do Brasil.

Opening hours: 10:30 to 12:30.

São Paulo

MRE Representative Office in São Paulo (ERESP)

Av. Brg. Faria Lima, 1478 - 6th floor - Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP, 01472-900

Telephone: +55 11 30 65 68 00

Minas Gerais


MRE Representation Office in Minas Gerais (EREMINAS)

Rua Timbiras, 1200 - 8º floor, room 805 Ed. Minas Trade Centre Centre - Belo Horizonte - MG 30140-060

Phone: +55 31 3213-3008 or +55 31 3213-2660 Fax: +55 31 3213-9835

Opening hours: 14:30 to 17:00.

⚠️ Important Notice!

This website is intended to provide tips on where to go or find various information, without commercial purposes and without any guarantee that the information shared here is up to date. Use it as a starting point to guide your search, but always use common sense and confirm the information.

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